Part 10. Winners and Losers from the Real Estate Commission Lawsuits
Who makes out like a bandit with all that settlement money and who gets cleaned out?
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Who makes out like a bandit with all that settlement money and who gets cleaned out?
How will NAR and the MLS adapt to the post real estate commission lawsuits? Will we kill the golden goose?
Will buyer agents be wiped out by the rule changes mandated by the real estate commission lawsuits?
There’s billions of dollars in damages and legal fees to be shared by the plaintiffs.
NAR and the Plaintiff’s attorneys in the Burnett case have reached a settlement agreement. Will the court approve it?
Who is liable to pay billions of dollars in damages? Can you or any agent be sued?
Defendants in the real estate commission lawsuit have three choices – fight, settle or bankruptcy.
The Court in the Burnett lawsuit awarded $1.8 million in damages against the defendants.
Important legal concepts you need to know about the real estate commission lawsuits.
What you need to know about the real estate commission lawsuits to be the smartest agent in your office.
The Real Estate Commission Lawsuit Series The real estate commission lawsuits. What are they all about? How will they impact